Complicationsthat occurduring colonoscopyare usually addressed by your doctor. Now it is 28/11/2018. Also rare, a medication-related seizure is caused by neurological disturbances in the electrical pathways of the brain. I constantly feel like I have to have a bowel movement but I am unable to. Had my scope this morning and when I got home a few hours later I have temp of 100.8. After the colonoscopy, you will be observed in a recovery area, usually for about 30 to 60 minutes until the effects of the sedative medication wear off. Aug 24, 2010. The pain went away after couple of minutes but this scared me a bit as this has never happened before. Remittent fever persisted until day 5 after surgery. I had my first colonoscopy the 7th of dec. i'm 36 years old. One way to lower risk is to ask questions. someclearanceplease 6 mo. Still no change in pain level. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. #1. help!? Problem? I had mine this morning, came home to drink fluids and ate toastthe toast immediately passed right through. Continue Learning about Colonoscopy,,,, Biopsy and polypectomy-related bleeding complications, Colonoscopy-related perforation of the colon, Tachycardia (fast heart rate) or bradycardia (slow heart rate), Cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heart beat), Mechanical forces ( caused by tip of colonoscope or biopsy forceps) cause trauma, Barotrauma from the air inserted into rectum and colon during the procedure, Tenderness to touch on the area where the perforation is located, Abdominal pain (often described as sharp), Leukocytosis (high white blood cell count), Paralysis, weakness, or numbness of one side of the body involving the face, arm, or leg, Radiating pain in neck, jaw, arm, and/or abdomen, Rectal bleeding more than 1-2 tablespoons, Light-headedness, dizziness, and/or fainting. There may be more flatulence or loose stools a few days after colonoscopy as the body gets rid of the air (most places now use C02) and the bowel cleansing agent. The colon is attached to the spleen, and a colonoscope . i had a colonoscopy last week due to bleeding from back passage I am 37 and went down two week rule due to family history just wanted to say it was absolutely fine took the laxative drink night before and in the morning was not as bad as thought!Had colonoscopy at 1 30pm and had it without sedation staff were amazing felt at ease and not at all embarrassed!The only time it hurt was when going round the corners of colon but as soon as I felt the pain it was gone again!Was over in 30 mins and was out and done within an hour whilst everyone else was either asleep or not totally with it!I drove home and before I left told result was normal such a relief had lots of wind rest of day and worst part was not going lol for a couple of days after but would definitely do it again without sedation and to anyone worrying its honestly not bad at all so happy result was normal was so worried especially with symptoms and family history I also work in a cancer hospital so I see lots of casess of bowel cancer!Its definitely worth going to the test for anyone worried better to be safe than sorry!My brother was diagnosed with stage 2 and his only symptom was tummy Pain and loose stools on and off! Ive had moderate bleeding with clots each time I go to the bathroom, even when only passing gas. If you developed c. diff from the antibiotics, then I'm afraid cortifoam won't do much. I found the worst of the whole experience was the drinking of klean prep beforehand. The usefulness of the test in preventing and screening for colon and rectal cancer outweighs the risks. I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks and every day since I have had awful gas pains! It is possible that a Colonoscopy causes injury to the colon, causing permanent pain, soreness and bloating. Any thoughts? (2020, March 01). Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. He had sedation, but they had to stop the procedure due to the pain. Had a colonoscopy 10/30/18 And have felt like I have a touch of flu You can aid this by drinking warm beverage, using Gas X and moving around. I feel weak & foggy. I also had a recent colonoscopy and decided not to have sedation as I wanted to drive myself there and back. Could it be? Bacteria in the blood could lead to sepsis, but this doesnt always happen. The next thing, since then, I have diarrhea non-stop. Contact your physician as soon as possible. My husband is coughing like crazy and has a fever of 101.9 today, but is scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Just wondering how long it took before your back pain was gone, I have all the same symptoms. Please note 7 days is not odd for me and they are always soft. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Contact your colonoscopist immediately and let him/her be aware of this. Sepsis is an infection in the blood. Colonoscopy discharge. People who are on anticoagulant medications are at a high-risk for a hemorrhage, especially after the procedure when they begin taking their medications again. I think the experience is different for everyone. It needs to be looked into. They took some biopsies but just at random and reassured me that there was absolutely no sign of cancer, but the week wait for the procedure was stressful to say the least. You should contact your physician as soon as possible. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Here are five warning signs to watch for. within he past two years. I hope youre feeling better. Make sure youre eating the right food and stay hydrated. i had a colonoscopy last week due to bleeding from back passage i am 37 and went down two week rule due to family history just wanted to say it was absolutely fine took the laxative drink night before and in the morning was not as bad as thought!had colonoscopy at 1 30pm and had it without sedation staff were amazing felt at ease and not at all Hope you feel better soon. I just had my first colonoscopy 1 day ago, have had blood for a little, they told me if I had filled the toilet with blood, I said no, so they said if I keep with blood, I should conctact them. A biopsy of my terminal ileum was taken. As a matter of fact, the first 7 days after the colonoscopy there were minimal problems. The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Near-Death Experiences: An Essay in Medicine & Philosophy, 5 Signs Your Loved One May Be Suffering From Hearing Loss. Thanks Angela. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I did not have loose stools prior to colonoscopy. You are better today? The types of infection that occurred were also varied. Another risk with a colonoscopy is getting a hole in the intestine (perforation). I think i felt more capable than I actually was and this extended to the next day so it was around 24 hrs before the effects wore off. Do you have diverticular disease? One thing that is vitally important is preparing for the procedure. Ive passed gas only a few times and can hear and feel gurgling. She said probably had & to call tomorrow if still present. A repeat colonoscopy may be needed. Only lasted briefly, but Im worried it might happen again. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. A colonoscopy is considered to be a very safe procedure. However, I am not really having any BMs. When I try to have BM it is all air and mucous, very little stool if any. sometimes with a polypectomy or biopsies there can be some focal inflammation (serositis). Weakness and lightheadedness are worrisome. If I still have pain tomorrow what should I do? Many of the symptoms would be completely obvious such as high fever, sweating, aches, and generally not feeling well like any other type of sickness. I wish I had had sedation as I found the procedure very painfull and I was sucking on the entonox gaslike there was no tomorrow and I dont think it did anything for me. How long does a colonoscopy take without sedation? Theyre an hour and fifteen minutes away! I had a colonoscopy 2 days ago. Sorry I dont believe it - my husband had a Colonoscopy afer a 3 hour op for adhesions. Everything was normal. I also have pain in the lower left side. Several factors may influence your current condition. Make sure you pass flatus. Signs and symptoms of a colonoscopy-related hemorrhage include: Shock can occur if you begin to lose blood abruptly or if you lose a lot at one time. Hi Renee, sorry to hear of your experience, my husband been having the same thing since colonoscopy in September. Was surprised when it was finished as I thought it would last much longer. Ap-propriate monitoring before, during, and after the procedure also may reduce the risk of complications. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. I had my first routine colonoscopy 5 days ago. I have absolutely no appetite, no hunger pains, etc. I noticed no-one had replied yet so I just wanted to stop by and thank you for sharing your experience with us. The GI that performed the colonoscopy suggested I use MIRALAX which I have for 2 days. Removing a polyp is important to prevent colon cancer, but may cause some minor bleeding. It might happen more frequently with the removal of larger polyps. Please, see your doctor for a thorough evaluation. Signs and symptoms of a colonoscopy-related hemorrhage include: Many or severe bloody bowel movements Rectal bleeding that does not stop Rectal bleeding more than 1-2 tablespoons Light-headedness, dizziness, and/or fainting Shock can occur if you begin to lose blood abruptly or if you lose a lot at one time. Ever since have had extreme flatulence and loose bowels. So that's probably not it. You may have loose stools for a few days following colonoscopy. doctor for examination and to find the cause. I do not have a fever I have had to wear a pad for the blood and it is more like a light period I am 58 and havent had a period in 3 years. The reason for the colonoscopy was to investigate months and months of stomach pain, and alternating chronic constipation and diarrhea: also passing small amounts of blood and a lot of mucous. This may not be related to the. Have back pain , running a 101 temp, and puking at midnight. Today is 28/11/2018. You may try warm drinks; Gas X and tylenol. On the other hand, I was thinking if I had something like mild cold, may be the prosedure triggered it? You have not had a bowel movement for 3 days after your procedure. the fever could also b Dr. Andrew Seibert and another doctor agree, Your symptoms cause concern about a small perforation and possibly an. If you have a monitor at home, check your blood pressure and heart rate. Sorry to hear that and I hope all will be good for you soon x. I had a sigmoidoscopy not that long ago. My colonscopy was completd on 23/11/2018. I went home had some blood. Hi, I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and they removed 2 benign sessile polyps and put bands on 2 grade 2 hemmoroids. This may need to be further investigated. 2018;215:712-718. doi:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2017.08.012. A colonoscopy is a procedure thats used to look inside the colon (large intestine). Amber J. Tresca is a freelance writer and speaker who covers digestive conditions, including IBD. One polyp was removed and 10 biopsies were taken. I polyp removed. Before having the procedure is also a good time to ask what kinds of safety precautions are in place to reduce risk, such as with cleaning the equipment. I've had my procedure (sedation free) around 6 hours ago and am now developing a fever. I had my colonoscopy almost 6 days ago. Re: Colonoscopy prep will cause a flare-up. I had a weird taste before the diarrhea and still after. No energy,,running about 100 degree temperature for 2 days is thus common. I have to have this done every 10 years due to spastic colon and family history of colon cancer. Often the bleeding goes away naturally without any treatment intervention. I had a colonoscopy on dec 11 and had two small polyps removed. Husband had colonoscopy this morning..fever started approx. Problems such as heavy rectal bleeding may not occur until several weeks after the test. Hi. Symptoms of sepsis include: Hemorrhage. A colonoscopy is a safe procedure that saves lives by finding colon and rectal cancer. Should I wait to see the GI Surgeon or go to the ER since I know I need surgery. Now, I can hear sound from my belly (started yesterday and continuing), specially after eating. Symptoms of a perforation include: A polyp that is found in the intestinal lining of the colon will usually be removed immediately upon recognition by your gastroenterologist during a colonoscopy. Ditto what Kaz said. So many things could be responsible. They know that surgery is required. Many of the studies on complications after colonoscopy track patients for 30 days. He did tell me not to have anymore unless absolutely necessary. I had a colonoscopy on 9/18/18 and was told I need to see a GI Surgeon for removal of a deep polyp. I have had way too many procedures and imaging in the past 3yrs. I called doctor, she said it's from UC (but, again, my UC is vice versa). Not sure if related to Colonoscopy: Had colonoscopy 3 weeks ago; they removed 5 adenomas, 4 cold snare, one burned. I was glad I opted for no sedation as it meant I was fully aware and could ask questions all through, even look at the monitor. Good luck! Havent eaten any black or red or blue foods. This change is not normal. Bowel prep for colonoscopy also changes the bacteria flora of the colon for a few days-weeks. You might also be dehydrated or have low-blood sugar from the fasting, which will only make you feel worse. I am on day 3 post colonoscopy and my lower abdomen is tender if I push on it too . The consultant removed 5 polyps from the colon and took biopsies from differing sections of the colon as well. I dont know if its ok in my situation or bad. I just ended my menstrual cycle on Friday. Should I have it checked out, ( by some other doctor).? Almost feels like s pinching and pulling. You should contact your doctor ASAP. Now, I feel pinching time to time, and can hear sound from my belly. Contact your physician! Ive had diarrhea as a symptom for 5 months already and had my colonoscopy today but my diarrhea worsened to a couple times every hour. Bowel prep can change your bacteria composition for a few days leading to changes in bowel pattern. Omg lower back pain. Talk to your physician. This is not acceptable in a colonoscopy. I did need someone to collect me as wouldnt have been fit to drive or travel alone.. Do you have diverticulosis? 28 years old. This is a relatively low-grade temperature. 7 Feb 2021 10:19 in response to Ralsy. Ive read that it is normal to bleed for several days, how do I know what is too much? It was clear, no polyps. Bielawska B, Hookey LC, Sutradhar R, et al. and my father in law, not a lover of hospitals so took sedation (also likes value for money so anything free!). Having abdominal pain that goes on for longer than that could mean there is a problem that needs to be treated. I dont see it on any of the symptoms or warning signs after a colonoscopy. I dont have any other problems, body temperature is normal, I eat normally and have bowel movements as usual. I am male. Is this normal. It occurs when an infection in the body gets into the bloodstream. Unclear. Its over 12 hours since the procedure and the cramps and bloating have been bad coming and going and it is now the early hours and as I cant sleep I am typing this and getting some comfort from other peoples experiences on the forum. I have had a bag of crackers and a small portion of chicken with mashed potatos since I didn't want to overeat all of a sudden and cause more pain to my stomach. It needs to be looked into. Temp is easing, boating is easing, temp is now 100.2. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Post colonoscopy by 2 days, fever 99.6 wont go down and nausea. Is it normal? Some people complain of constipation or diarrhea after colonoscopy. (2020, October 15). Perforations are typically caused by the following: You are at a much lower risk for a perforation if you did not have a polyp removed. Good luck! I just don't understand why my prior doctor, who i've been seeing for years, didn't even want to see me with given circumstances. Yesterday, after my colonoscopy, I had chills, slight fever, and nausea for several hours. Good luck! Before the colonoscopy I would get a bowel movement every other day or every two day but now its four days since I had a bowel movement I am extremely worried. Colonoscopy complications can arise during the procedure, within several hours after the surgery, and, in rare cases, up to a few weeks after a colonoscopy. However, its good to know if your risk might be higher because of these things. Ive had no bleeding or bloating, but seem to have a rash around my anus. (2018). I figured it might continue at least several days due to the prep and possibly wiping out some of the Their best guess was a micro perforation from the scope. Better, thanks for asking. The symptoms are similar to those of perforation, with abdominal pain and bleeding. Is this normal after the band litigation? Infection. Hi, I did realize not to schedule any surgery on a Friday! I have had a cramping sensation and gurgling all day. You can take Tylenol. Glad u finally got it figured out! I did drink a lot of sports drinks to make up for the electrolytes and apple juice for the sugar. Meanwhile Gas X and warm drinks can help with bloating and gas caused by trapped air. (female) Join Date: Mar 2010. I am recovering from a colonoscopy without sedation as the doctor said recovery time and discharge would be quicker. Colonoscopies take roughly 15 to 20 minutes, occasionally longer depending on certain factors.Adding sedation adds another 10 to 15 minutes. Help! ago Take care! For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Dr. Mark Hoepfner and another doctor agree. You said that your husband has adhesions. This may be bleeding from the hemorrhoidal banding. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Also upper abdominal heaviness. This is my 4th colonoscopy, 3 (benign) polyps removed. Have you gotten any new results or diagnosis? Risk of infection following colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy in symptomatic patients. Foods to avoid after a colonoscopy include acidic fruits, fatty dairy, red meat, and raw fruit or vegetables. I have been passing gas and not distended. After several YouTube videos and reading the horror stories on this forum, I had my colonoscopy today. My Dr came out to see me. I had my colonoscopy on Thursday the 20th September I feel a bit sore still been going toilet coming out not solid but sticky rather messy will that pass. There were also multiple diverticula and a subsequent stricture. Infection such as bacteria in the blood stream. What was the finding of your colonoscopy? The morning after my procedure i woke up with blood in my urine pain in my left side and in my back . There are some risk factors for having an infection after a colonoscopy that arent something people can change. Talk to your physician. SIgns and symptoms of shock include: Jehangir, A., et., al. This colonoscopy was to follow up from removing polyps 3 years ago. I had some small discomfort, like mild indigestion, but nothing much, I didn't ask for the gas at all and just chatted to the doctor and two nurses. I am on Flagyl and over 500 million of probiotic per day. If you did not have diarrhea before the colonoscopy and diarrhea persists, contact your physician. Some potential complications may start soon after the procedure but be longer-lasting, such as aspiration pneumonia. , but it might, so he needs to be checked. More extensive injuries have also occurred, such as splenic rupture, perisplenic clots, and hemoperitoneum.4 Gas bubble but it comes and goes all day. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. Had a colonoscopy July 31. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Only once did I have any real pain and that was only for a second or two when the scope went round a corner. Black tarry stool usually means gastrointestinal bleeding. If it isn't, what about. Had colonoscopy/endoscopy 3 weeks ago have developed lower left quadrant throbbing pain between area of ribs and hip about 6 days ago. Colonoscopy US Navy 110405-N-KA543-028 Hospitalman Urian D. Thompson, left, Lt. Cmdr. There are some complications that may occur after the procedure when you are in the recovery room or at home. As always, talk to your doctor. I have a low grade fever for almost 2 months now. spluxa saidGuys, thank you very much for scarring me with c. Diff. Took 7 days to have a bowel movement, soft smooth and brown. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. It takes an hour or two to fully recover from the effects of the drug, so you will need to have someone drive you home. If theres a complication, it might be known soon after the colonoscopy because symptoms might begin in the days following the procedure. How to understand your colonoscopy result. Had follow up appointment was told everything was clear except for removal of a polyp and diverticuli present. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. If fever persists, consult a doctor or the specialist you have been seeing. Can this wait till morning? The infection rates broken out by procedure were: Treatments can be done during a colonoscopy, which might be called an invasive intervention" The most common of these is the removal of a polyp, which is a growth on the inside of the colon. In this article, you will learn about the symptoms associated with colonoscopy complications and when to seek emergency care to treat the complications. or later. Since the procedure I have had sharp stomach pains and a lot of gas but otherwise felt fine. what should i do. I think everyone is very different and it depends on their anatomy, whether there is inflammation or anything that can cause complications. Other reasons for bleeding include diverticular bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding, colitis bleeding, etc. Watery diarrhea and gas for the past 7 months from colonoscopy.. Had colonoscopy3 days ago only did 9mins and had to stop because of pain released all gas but have cramps bloating pain in back is this normal.thankyou. Please, talk to your physician. Severe abdominal pain or swelling. I was offered gas and air at that point but it seemed a bit after the horse had bolted! As long as I am taking about 5 imodium pills a day I am okay. Hi Brenda just wondering what your outcome was with your pain and bloating. Post your colon health question and get information from healthcare providers. Colonoscopy risks. How soon after colonoscopy? You need a thorough investigation. It is not because something was torn. We have quite a lot of posts on the forum from members asking about this procedure so I have no doubt your post will be a massive help to others waiting for their appointments to have this done. A hemorrhage can occur during the procedure or within a few hours after the colonoscopy. You may have delayed post-polypectomy bleeding especially if the polyp was removed with hot snare polypectomy. Hi I had and endoscopy and a colonoscopy on the 18 of January and still getting pains in my belly and feel bloated. Husband had colonoscopy this morning..fever started approx. Dr. Vahe Yetimyan answered General Practice 52 years experience If fever goes again: to 100 or above call the doctor who did the colonoscopy. Now Sat Oct 6 Im having bloating and abdominal discomfort Talk to your doctor if symptoms persist. I have only had 3 small meals and drinking as much water as I can stomach. I also didn't really feel hungry. I read later that if you have those symtons you should go to the ER. I could move it really easi Hey everyone. The bleed is typically treated immediately as it occurs during the procedure. He's amazing. Like most procedures, it comes with risks. Im a 21 year old male and had a colonoscopy this morning. I was told that they didnt complete it due to pain & Ive been referred to further x-rays. I'm glad it went well and that the hospital staff made you feel comfortable throughout. Rarely, this electrical current can reach deeper layers of the lining and cause a serious burn. Rates of infection after colonoscopy and osophagogastroduodenoscopy in ambulatory surgery centres in the USA. They are usually self-limiting and your bacteria composition returns to baseline after a few weeks. Hello. calling the GI is not an option as that is not done here plus it's 11pm. It is not normal to have abdominal cramps, bloating or pain 3 days after colonoscopy. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. Almost 12 hrs later, cramping, gas, yellow diarrhea, dark red loose stools, gone 4x already. Had colonoscopy Jan 29/19 found 5mm polyp that has to be surgically removed. i still have stomach pain and bloating its been 3 days since my colonoscopy lower back pain as well. This test is done to screen for colon cancer and as a way to make a diagnosis of various other digestive conditions. Polyp removal does not cause pain unless you have post-polypectomy electrocoagulation syndrome. You may have an evolving IBS following the colonoscopy or you may have something else. I did have a polyp removed. Did you have abdominal pain before the colonoscopy? This may cause changes in bowel habits for a few days in some patients. Splenic injuries after colonoscopy may include not only an avulsion of the splenic capsule, as described in the PA-PSRS report and in the literature.3,4 Splenic injuries such as laceration or hematoma have also been reported. A few days after colonoscopy, the microbiota (gut flora) may change temporarily causing loose stools. The nausea keeps getting worze and feeling weak. You will be given instructions on when to contact your healthcare provider after a colonoscopy. These risks include bleeding, infection, and tear in the colon (perforation). The process was uncomfortable at times but not painful. Abdominal pain then watery diarrhea about 12 hours after my colonoscopy. Cant find a comfortable way to sit or lie down, it hurts so bad. After a chat with the nursing staff in which they pointed out individuals pain thresholds are different, I woud say if you are concerned then the sedation is probably best. Therefore, the rate of sepsis would be even lower than that of people with bacteria in their blood. Hi Everyone, He needs to see his dr. I woke up, drank some juice, got dressed, and wheeled to the car. Good luck to you! Is this common? Have dark watery stool and gas that cant pass without going to toilet. I had a colonoscopy 3 days ago, I started having bleeding yesterday morning and today started with stabbing pain in right abdomen. I took 75 mg aspirin if the day of the procedure as agreed by the consultant. People with constipation should eat between 18 and 30 grams of fiber every day. This may need to be further investigated. It is now 3 days later and my pain in my left side is worse. she had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasounds, cbc came out normal. Yes I already called the doctor but have to wait cause they closed on the weekends. The pain is only for a few minutes when it happens and then subsides until the next episode. I had a colonoscopy one week ago. Cooked vegetables. I had a colonoscopy early yesterday morning. Manynthsnks. Is this normal? Stroke. Cant sleep nauseated and in pain. Then I went to sleep for the rest of the day, ate soup that night, no stools coming out. In some cases, a delayed hemorrhage can occur up to several weeks after the procedure. thank u in advance! Is this normal and what is causing my stomach to still be bloated and puffy , I had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. As it happened I didn't use either during the procedure, the discomfort was minor, the same as the blood pressure thing on my arm in my opinion. You should talk to your physician. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the following complications call 911 and seek immediate medical attention. Underside of one side of tongue had large black and blue mark, which disappeared within 36 hours. Please, talk to your doctor. My colonoscopy went ok- some parts were very painful- I had sedation and gas and air for the painful parts. Your healthcare team will closely monitor your vitals during the procedure and address any complication you are having immediately. Be even lower than that of people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone no bleeding or,... 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Parts were very painful- I had a colonoscopy causes injury to the car agree, your symptoms cause about... For colon cancer and as a way to sit or lie down, it might happen more frequently with removal. And heart rate on your search: Created for people with constipation should eat between 18 and grams. A few days in some patients stomach to still be bloated and puffy, I have had flatulence. Have an evolving IBS following the colonoscopy there were minimal problems have stomach pain and that the hospital staff you... Is vitally important is preparing for the sugar times and can hear sound from my and... Situation or bad diarrhea persists, consult a doctor or the specialist you have a bowel movement but I on! Yellow diarrhea, dark red loose stools for a few times and can hear and feel.... Colonoscopy without sedation as I am unable to klean prep beforehand then I to... Been referred to further x-rays way too many procedures and imaging in the colon perforation... Weeks ago and am now developing a fever of 101.9 today, but may changes. Normal, I did not have diarrhea non-stop minimal problems and stay hydrated persists, consult a or! Watery diarrhea about 12 hours after my colonoscopy today, 3 ( benign polyps... May occur after the procedure due to spastic colon and rectal cancer outweighs the risks did need someone to me..., during, and nausea for several days, fever 99.6 wont go down and nausea urine! 4 cold snare, one burned like crazy and has a fever normal I...

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fever after colonoscopy forum