He used it to pay for a Mustang GT and when his father died he used the money to pay for the funeral expenses. This is not pranking, it's abuse. NTA. live happily now :). Who is kind and helps others? Panicking when you can't breathe is a normal reaction. They are bullies who played with the health of your fiancee! If I were Tim I'd be questioning the marriage with a hostile family like that. He kicked out and made you homeless when you had cancer. NTA but considering the shit theyve put him through even before the inhaler prank, Im surprised it took you this long to put your foot down. And honestly? Its a messy situation and it will most likely be a rocky marriage as your family set the tone for it with their nonsense trying to test your partners manliness. My husband has said he doesnt want to know if he has a serious health condition. NTA. This isnt a prank anymore and abuse. Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. The funniest is snipping valve stems. They could have killed him. Eeesh. Do you see your life going forward to include the pranking, disrespect, and total disregard for your and Tims rights and feelings? Theyre literally vandalizing a vehicle and engaging in medical abuse to prove some sort of sick and twisted toxic masculinity flex. You are protecting your fiance from bullies. They dont seem to have any!! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. NTA. Your male relations are bullies. When they cry, they can be told real men meet their financial obligations or post their own bail. Obviously, OP is NTA for booting them from the wedding. This is hazing, and it could have turned deadly. You should do Timmy a favor and choose between him and your toxic family. They really need to understand that their action could have had serious consequence (luckily it didn't). Wow, what the fuck?? It's past time for you to stand up for yourself and him. lol they have lost respect for your fiance? What they have done to him is downright CRIMINAL. Their little prank couldve cost your fianc his life. But anyway once you said yes she should have felt morally obliged to go with you. Honestly that was pretty rude of her but unless her actions were specifically malicious I don't think she is the asshole NAH Good job, OP, for defending your spouse against them abusive men in your family. You're TA for continuing to subject your furnace to them. Not because of feelings, certainly, which is what you've described them doing. 4 new tires is in the high hundreds too. Stand your ground and move on with your life. They were so busy feeding their egos that it didn't occur to them that they were jerks who were committing a crime when slashing tires and seriously risking the fiances life when they hid his inhaler. The men I grew up around what I would consider manly men, and Southerners to boot (to the toxic masculinity around us is STRONG). slashing tires?? NTA and what they are doing is bullying and not playing pranks. For the record, these men are also showing how little respect they have for you since they want to test whether you were able to choose a decent spouse. If yes, i can understand where it came from, but sad for them, they have to move on and be smarter than their predecessors. Knowing all of this, I have no idea why he would've gone on a 3 day trip with your family WITHOUT you unless he felt like he had to. I have mild asthma and have never needed a hospital (its either exercise induced, or triggered by my having a cold or something and my immune system deciding that while its doing inflammation anyway why not go into bronchitis for 2 months?). NTA, your family seems very full of themselves and they seem to feel entitled to behave this way, theyre convinced that these are fine things for them to do. In what world is hiding critical medication and slashing tires "pranks"? Break the cycle of toxic behaviour so your kids dont have to live in constant fear of their family. I wouldn't recommend anyone to do that; the stories about "pranks" bad enough to hit the legal system are not funny. Not a prank. im 90 down for no reason. After she hung up I asked my fiance if I made the wrong decision and je said it's my wedding and I get to decide eventually but I knew he said that because he's biased. The mom is completely off-base. Not to mention, it would be a pain in the A to replace them and probably balance them without the equipment of a shop - still possible but probably take a lot longer. Is he the type of man who is open and honest with you? Typical stepdad behavior. I act as a buffer between my boyfriend and my family and I expect him to do the same between me and his. They committed at least one crime. I have asthma. Family stands together always is a toxic line and enables further toxicity. Men don't do this. Came here to say thismy tires are expensive afthis isnt a prank its a crime, Not to mention slashing tires is a straight up crime. NTA- people can die from an asthma attack. Wow your family are a complete messed up bunch of a holes.never heard of anyone doing this to any perspective son in law. At my graduation, she and my stepdad bought me a Honda Accord. My mom (39f) remarried after 2 (ish) years and my step dad (49m) has been great for the most part. He needs to ends this before these monsters end up murdering him. NTA and I would've called the cops for the slashed tires. NTA for calling them out but you are TA for letting it continue this far. My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. All of them can go fuck themselves. You joke, but men let their toxic/insecure masculinity come between them and lifesaving healthcare. Imagine if he had - oh, is it funny to face a murder charge for hiding an inhaler? Like just breathe bro /s, Bro you need to breathe into a tube to live? NTA. He's so nice he'd give you the inhaler from someone else's bag, you know, instead of the shirt off his own back. EditImagine how far you could have taken it "Hi dad or brother or cousin is Tim there he is not answering his phone. What do you mean he leftOK no worries I will wait till he gets home. I was livid and called him out, but argued with my mother about it and about how she allowed this to happen. If I were the step-dad, I'd pull all my wedding funds. Not the husbands. NTA they took his medication! Like Im sorry, who are you? The reality is that your fianc and how he feels is more important to you and none of the relatives care about either of the two of you. Maybe hear him out but fuck the rest until they show genuine remorse for their actions. That could have been fatal. I hope that they see the error of their ways and apologized to Tim but until then, I guess you might have to go no contact. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. No, they had to literally endanger his life and/or health before you took this seriously. There is no pranking involved. Most of us grow out of that around puberty, and those that don't absolutely deserve to feel the consequences of their poor choices because what excuse do they have? Depending on other circumstances, I may have even pressed charges. you're acting like a responsible adult, he's acting like a spoiled child. I'd be calling the cops. Unfortunately when you live with something for so long, it becomes your normal. Seriously consider if they're going to do this to your son, and if you want this energy in your life. Fuck people like this and their asinine 'pranks'. Are they rednecks? But my point stands that this is gaslighting and the AHs are so obvious its painful. Everyone should be laughing and no one's life should be in danger over one. Youre NTA, but if you dont take this stand, Tim will leave you. ". Slashing tires, hiding medications? Ugh. I would keep my future kids the fuck away from those toxic assholes. These aren't "tests", this is your family being major fucking AHs. This is definitely your hill to die on. Yeah youre not the asshole for that but you are the asshole. There's enough idiots in the world who would say the same things I say but actually mean what they say. I would not have put up with them especially when they slashed my tires. Define toxic masculinity: see OPs post. Holy shit your family is a bunch of assholes. Yep, that guy sure loves OP for putting up with her AH family. Agreed. Whats next, cutting his cars breaks? So much this. exactly. Have your fianc sit down with the four of them (with you present) and tell them to their faces they are not invited. NTA. Slashing his tires? Likegrown ass adults? Who wins out of this? OP is NTA for dis-inviting her family, but she is TA for all the times she wrote off her family's actions as "pranks". If they don't go NC, I can definitely see cousins bullying her children for being "soft" because their dad and grandpa said Uncle Tim is soft, too. Throughout high school I didnt live with my mom or spend as much time with her as I shouldve,which I feel bad about now. And talking about seeing your life moving forward how will you feel when they start this pranking with your future kids? And for what, so he can be able to 'prove' himself to them? If someone pushes waaay too far after being told to stop many times, they need to face the consequences of their actions. I had an cousin die from cancer because he waited for the tumor that was visible to get so large and spread before getting to the doctor. This is extremely serious; he could have died. NTA but why would you let it escalate to this point? People who havent felt like that cant understand just how scary it is. plus she didnt care about me paying 90 so i dont see why shed let me off the hook now. You wouldnt hide someones epipen or insulin. Hi! Its fucking property damage! Stand your ground. How can four people be so fucked in the head to think it is acceptable to hide much-needed medication from someone?! Its not a feeling I would wish on anyone! I can see it nowwife make my grandson a pb and j sandwich (cause we know he wouldn't make it himself) cause he needs to just get over this or its for attention when his airway closes..NTA. Definitely NTA. They clearly dont respect you or your ability to choose a partner either. She has a shitty family and needs to go to therapy to unlearn the unhealthy dynamic she grew up in. Everyone here takes the right choice as a foregone conclusion, but Id spend days having a panic attack if that was thrust on me. OP, I'm sorry you grew up in such a toxic-masculine environment. You need to ensue he understands you stick by him period. And if you have kids do you want them to be raised with this toxic environment. All I can picture is a future child being pranked like this. I am not jealous of any person forced to choose between their brothers and a parent. This x10000000000000000. I feel bad for your whole situation. And I would have dumped OP if she didn't support me in making that move. Your toxically masculine family drove a wedge between you and your family. They don't find stuff wrong with you, you still have it, they can just keep you from dying. Also, as an asthmatic, I can say that if anyone did that to me, I would never trust them in my home or around me ever again. NTA. NTA they gone far beyond pranks are just bullying him now. They are treating him like garbage. I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. Those kind of men are toxic manly only when they know there is no one to challenge them. Uninviting her is not the solution to your problem. On their side it's just righteous indignation. You're TA for continuing to subject your fiance to them. Honestly, Tim must really love and value your relationship to put up with all that. Do not invite them to the wedding and time to go no contact. Things have been better between all of us, I went to their house for thanksgiving and my dads retirement party and everyone got along. And they certainly already dont like him, considering the names they have already called him. Well done on sticking up for your partner! They seem to have a narrow view and criteria of what makes a man and don't seem to accept you and Tim love one another for yourselves. Im surprised hes stuck around so long. Frankly, who cares if they respect Tim, the question is, does Tim respect them? Untreated asthma attacks have long lasting consequences (I have asthma and can attest). The straight chess and hypothetical situations could be ruled as pranks and family making sure the new guy isgood enough(very archaic I know). NTA that's not pranks, that's bullying. And at some point your family are going to crack your relationship with your fiance right through, because contact is always going to feel to him that you're condoning it and secretly agreeing. What theyre doing is ritualised abuse motivated by toxic masculinity. They're trying to scare him away, not test him. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! OP is NTA for what she is asking about, but how on earth was the tire stunt not the line drawn in the sand? isn't it also, depending on how bad his asthma is, some form of ableism? Seriously. He was straight up trying to haze her fianc, that's unforgivable. this is a pretty generic title and i apologise, but i dont know how else to write it. So no harm in going the legal route. Good lord. I think it's rather that Dad needs to be asked if he went to his wife to tattle like a little baby boy. NTA. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. I will also add that, even if it doesnt work out with Tim. They'll fit right in regardless. Do they not know how many people die from asthma attacks? Your family is driving the wedge between you. They're fucking nasty and they're doing it on purpose. They will always treat your fiance like shit and like he is less than. Medical paternalism sucks. Asthma can kill and as someone with asthma not knowing where my emergency inhaler is can cause anxiety as I may need it to save my life. by AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) By Danny Vega & Sara Levine Danny Vega, TikTok cringelord, and Sara Levine, meme queen master's student, read listener submissions & pilfer from the similarly-named subreddit. I know an 18 year-old who died from asthma. NTA but you wont be if you dont take drastic measures to ensure this bullying stops. If they can't see this then they're sick in the head! This!!! NTA. You should have stopped this at the very least when they slashed his tires, but even before then, the idea that they need to test his manliness is infantilizing, misogynistic, and toxic as hell. Contest mode is 1.5 hours long on this post. It's helped me to learn how many families with addicts change to fit the addiction. I'm sure that if you let them back in, they're going to haze your fiance more. After I graduated my mom and I repaired our relationship and now are best friends. They are immature, idiot morons Theyve shown theyre committed enough to this to endanger another persons life, no one should be doing anything with the expectation theyre going to have a sudden change of heart and develop empathy. NTA. What they are doing is expensive (slashing his tires?) And let them know that if they can "man up" enough to quit breathing then they can come to the wedding. Yet they all have immense respect for women and they dont think being able to breathe without an inhaler makes you manly. Dean and Kevin never had a good relationship because they never wanted my mom and dad to separate in the first place, they resented my stepdad and limitied contact once they moved out. My fathers cousin among them, even if taken to hospital. Hell get seriously hurt one day. HIDING HIS INHALER? maybe they'll change their tune about "pranks" after that. Exactly. The men in her family are clearly toxic, and she seems to write it off as "boys will be boys". Stand your ground and protect your fianc. I'm on the road at 3:30am in NYC so mass . While true, that has nothing to do with seeing a doctor regularly after a heart attack. You should have put your foot down as soon as this stuff started. English? NTA. I cant wait for the AITA because I did not stand up to the bullies in the family and now my husband is divorcing me. You murdered himhow do I ever recover from this Wonder how funny they would think it was then. And there is no come backPretending he died/nearly died isn't funny.really. but potentially killing him is? You mean the spine that only materialized when her fianc couldve actually died after having already been viciously tormented for years while she apparently just stood back with the occasional protest? The way your parents have reacted is worse. This wasn't a prank. not let this ruin my relationship with my family. My friends and I, all Afab and babyfaced enough to look like we were 18-25 once got asked what was holding up the car in a concerned tone while we were trying to change a tire. Poor guy. Stands that this is hazing, and total disregard for your and Tims rights and feelings non-essential cookies, may! 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aita for uninviting my stepdad