Kenwa Mabuni 3. It was fun but I understood that tournament kumite is not the way we fight to defend ourselves. Under the leadership of World Chief Instructor, Sensei Tetsuji Nakamura and his International Executive committee, IOGKF International is committed to preserving the intangible cultural treasure of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, which has been passed down to us . Thanks! (Read more: What is Kime? In this world of karate, it would be best not to jump the gun too early and generalize about things you may perhaps know something about, but not knowing enough about. Look forward to training at his new Dojo. Please note that there are slight differences from style to style in terms of stances. They do not care how many degrees the toes should point somewhere, or how wide or long the stance should be. Sport & sport fighting is a physical exercise. You cannot build a house on a weak foundation. Thank you Jesse-San Hai!!! INSTEAD of always 'comparing' the differences, why don't we discuss the similarities?? One take away from this, totally unrelated to the topic of this article is "there is no holier-than-thou aura around the sensei either." As you might have figured out by now, Okinawan Karate has many unique quirks. Thu Okinawa is the real Origin of Karate? It was very helpful for me which was a very old karate lover since 1972 . Basic Karate Moves start with; 1. (Related reading: The #1 Reason Why Every Serious Karate-ka Needs to Travel to Okinawa Right Now). Great comment. They dont have room for enoughstudents. Thanks for sharing this informative post!! However, In those times, the teachers of Okinawa did not give up. I also believe that the traditional karate styles, including Wado Ryu, are superior to the conventional training we see in MMA. Like you said in Okinawan Karate you won't see a spinning hook kick. I believe the Okinawan styles are more sophisticated. IMO, I think the article's author comparison of Okinawan & Japanese karates extremely valuable in understanding what it is we are striving for in different conventions & traditions of karate training. That bamboo isn't really fighting for survival. Keep a distance of approximately two shoulder width between your feet. As far as I'm concerned all styles of Karate are "valid". It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called te (, literally "hand"; Tii in Okinawan) and Chinese kenp. If you can, pick up a copy of the Bubishi (aka the karate "bible") and you'll be amazed by the rich history of Okinawan Karate. emailE='' If you practice Karate in Okinawa, you will often hear the word imi. Just because you have an opinion has no relevance when stating fact. There are pictograms found that show techniques used by these ancient cultures. There are plenty of Shotokan instructors out there who dont accept a dodgy application just because masters in their style demonstrated it. Very clarifying article, thank you. Lower and longer stances are taught @JKA not merely to strengthen legs and stamina but to add to the power of a technique. Karate starts from the ground. Teaching, learning, or even writing about martial arts was prohibited. Thanks, Great article and very much as I run my Dojo (well at leat elements of it). Karates heritage is everywhere in Okinawa, and its such a natural part of their culturethat it simplymakes no sense to compete in it. Shotokan isn't even talked about. You might spar people taller than you, faster than you, shorter than you, stronger than you, heavier than you, lighter than you, etc. I am a practitioner of Wado Ryu Karate and have been for over 40 years. Ossu! 8. I'm 71 years old, and I have been a shotokan karate ka since I was young. I am active in training and teaching of Karate and Martial Arts for the past 46 years. email: best of luck. Good day Jesse-san. But instead of waiting several years to know why we did it that way, I was shown an application and the difference in performing it improperly and properly and how all those little tweaks made the application so much more effective. You get to experience all of this with "mass training". I don't think that will ever happen, but I will still keep the dream alive. . Higaonna and his heir Chojun Miyagi were the ones to set the base of Goju Ryu. The origin of Okinawan Karate dates back to the time when Ryuku Kings came into power. The Naha-di system is comprised of nine kata and a philosophy. Shotokan was just the most popular style at the time these applications were being propagated ie mid 20th century (both in Japan and elsewhere). My question was if was there Kokutsu dachi with i the Plant of the feet on the ground, also goju ryu maybe have his version of kokutsu dachi. I learned much that I never came across during 5 years of training in Shorei-Kan Goju-Ryu back in the 70's. I now understand - we just have different training and understanding. As to bunkai. The stances of Okinawan Karate are meant to be practical when applied in self-defense, since they can be quickly and effortlessly reached from your everyday stance. Isma, This was super interesting. Japanese is not that bad at all. For Okinawan Karate, the stance is supposed to be practical when applied in self-defense, whereas regular karate has adopted a more competitive and fitness style stance. Enjoyed the note or reading on using the full power of your body into an opponent when punching or striking. Chincuchi over Kime. I will be visiting Okinowa this April 20-30 2018. Neko-ashi-dachi is, in my view, both a traditional stance and an evolution of kokutsu-dachi. While that might be true, spinning hook kicks have proven their effectiveness in MMA. Typically, the Japanese stances are longer and lower than the Okinawan ones--more exagerated, if you will. But when it comes to something like the martial arts, individual training can actually be a hindrance. karate kata [eg goju] contain many breaks from grabs Okinawan Karate is amongst the most popular martial art styles in the world. The purpose of the bunkai was to present principles or example-movements that could be employed by various alternatives for actual application. He and his successor Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953) made several basics. *Traditional martial arts are the original martial arts that were created Moreover, I consider the style I practice to be among the more rudimentary, IOW not the 'best' by any means. I can't help but just laugh. As a practitioner of Japanese Karate-Do(Kyokushin and JKA-Shotokan) also Iaido for over 35 years, I find these comparisons untrue unless you train at the Karate (karadee) Wannabie dojo. Individuation over Mass training. My sensei (Jaap Smaal 7th dan) is such an amazing teacher with so much knowledge about Shotokan but also he knows alot about traditional Okinawan Karate , recently we trained the very very old version of the kata Bassai-dai. I will share on this website information related to Karate, Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Health, Spirituality and more! It is mainly used in kata and as a conditioning stance to strengthen glutes, thighs, and hips. The body should be squarely forward unless a half-turn han-mi is applied. In Japanese Karate, you rarely see these training toolsexcept the makiwara. Once you accept that, you can move beyond mere Styles. The open practice and eventual popularity of Okinawan karate blossomed in 1901 when the Commissioner of Education, Shintaro Ogawa, recommended that it be included in the physical education of the first middle school of Okinawa. Good Article The Okinawan karate stances are meant to be practical for self-defense by being natural and quick. Keep up your way! To those who think and say that Shotokan is not practical, with all do respect, I say, they're full of it. First, "heishu" can refer to muscle contraction and "ibuki" style breathing unique to Sanchin and Tensho. This all started over a great article published and got well out of hand. But to say that we change our technique to teach to mass classes is not the case, not for our Dojo anyway. It is one of the modern Okinawan art that blends the fighting methods of Shuri-te in it. As for "Effective" karate, what does that even mean without a context. In Okinawa, you are never afraid of anyone in the dojo! If it were meant for mass training, wouldn't it be easier? No. Some styles have both, for instance, while others have simply replaced one with the other. If not, that could be number 12 ! As an instructor, I have to differentiate between a general athlete and competitor, child and adult. Move your arms slightly forward, with fists closed and elbows slightly bent (if used for Yoi). 1. I switched over pretty much immediately because it just made more sense and felt right. The main difference is that Okinawans incorporate a lot of their original Martial Arts (Ti) as well. (Read more: Chinkuchi Another Exotic Okinawan Karate Word). 3. I'm a Shorin-ryu practitioner and I've met some Grandmasters of Okinawan karate (Sensei Seikichi Iha and Sensei Seigi Shiroma) which have made me very eager to go to Okinawa. The fact that differing karate styles have conventions that some may take issue with, either out of lack of understanding, or alternatively out of better understanding as the case may be, is not patently degrading to the one having a difference of opinion. Excellent article sir. Tuide is joint manipulation etc. If you practiced in Shotokan, I would say great article, you are spot on. It's considered a Japanese style. If you really want to improve your Karate, you should definitely check out this article I wrote about my favorite equipment for training Karate at home. Good job, also if hai means yes in Japanese why is it said in an Okinawan dojo? They did have some deep and long stances. Like Nakamoto Masahiro, 10th dan Okinawan Kobudo, once told me after we finished training in his dojo: Karate and Kobudo is like brother and sister. My Name is Ruben and i have studied in Japanese and Okinawan Karate schools, so i have seen some of these differences. It is the most famous art form in West Japan. Japanese Karate, on the other hand, is often more focused on the How rather than the Why. If a practitioner never competes (realistically) then how does he know his techniques/methods will work if the time comes to use them? meaning. I started out with Shudokan (a spin-off of Shotokan) whe I was 8 and finished when I was 16. No. In other words: "all in!". Greetings from Spain. Say you learn that a certain technique is actually an arm bar into an arm break. Kanryo Higaonna(1853-1915) was known as the highest authority of Naha Te. I also respect Gene Foster's specific & detailed commentary, his Wado Ryu contribution. Whilst Japanese styles may have lost something in the translation so to speak, they have also added. Numerous changes happened to the original Okinawan Karate when it came to mainland Japan. All their, "I'll can drop someone with a side kick to the knee" or the old, "I'll knock someone out before they ever get a chance to grab me" sounded great until they had to actually try to do it and found out in a very hard and painful lesson that it didn't really work. Was there the Kokutsu dachi shotokan version ( with the plant of the feet on the ground)on okinawa karate? Gekisai Dai Ichi Before the creation of Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni, new students of Goju Ryu karate were taught Sanchin for years before being introduced to other katas. Kenwa Mabuni is another famous master of karate and the founder of Shito Ryu Karate. Hojo Undo (Supplementary Exercises) Sandangi. To put things into perspective, an Okinawan zenkutsu-dachi can be half the length of a Japanese one. The reason we get hung up on styles is we don't understand what our martial art is and start emphasising irrelevant details. Shotokan is known for its direct and efficient linear strikes, strong blocks and . It was not the case with the original Okinawan Karate. It is enough that we have to deal with Mcdojos. Shotokan always gets singled out as the ineffective style with funny low stances etc. Nunchaku is two small round sticks connected with a chain. Appreciated. (How to twist yourhips, how to adjustyourfeet, how to shift your weight etc.). By how I see Shotokan is typically practiced, the emphasis is clearly on striking. 4. 2. Hi. Though I havent earned my Black Belt yet, I am deeply passionate about my training. I agree, both. Blocks, punches, kicks and strikes as well as stances; Kata (set forms): A variety of a set pattern of moves to demonstrate the perfection and transition of forms. Individual vs mass training individual training is overrated. And, SMALL groups in the class. Perhaps you should have included Okinawan Flag before Japanese Occupation' even autonomous Symbol. I was patiently awaiting for a good article- and my patience just deserved a prize. TERMS are just the short cut to thinking you know "KARATE". We strive very hard to keep any tournament aspects separate from our traditional training. Please clickherefor a list of the many different programs that we have to offer you at Ageshio Japan. Yes Unlike Judo, Kyudo, Kendo etc. Shotokan karate is basically taught by the JKA not as a sport but a Do or Way of Life. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. Seems mainland Japan is trying to make everyone adopt the idea that they're a unique culture by changing parts of their history. Gichin Funakoshi, the writer of this book, was an honorable master of Okinawan Karate of his time. Horror stories are often heard about some martial arts schools in the Lets put it this way. I just wanted to set the record straight not just give an opinion. Great article, I must be more nerdish and also go to Okinawa . Like one of my Okinawan friends, a 7th dan Shorin-ryu sensei,once told me: Karate is part of our cultural identity. However I am not, nor do I encourage my Students to be a "Stylist". There are 10 katas in this group: Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin, Sanseru, Sepai, Kururunfa, Sesan, and Suparunpei. I guess I might start another martial art like wing chun or boxing. Thank you for reading! Awesome experience, we did our own training at the Budokan. It'The stance allows you to reach far and generate a great deal of power as you move forward. Very interesting article me big bow for the efforts put in. As a matter of fact the more think about it, I remember one of my Isshinryu Instructors saying that if he wanted to kick someone in the face. but i will try by best to promote this. Thanks for sharing. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. I teach portuguese language, so I have understood what you said in terms of the difference between "to describe" and "to define". Shimabukuro Eizo OSensei used both Hai & Oss. The propagators of Shotokan [TMU] were more interesting in promoting the principles of traditional karate training, and the benefits in that, than making ninja / defendu, experts. This contrasting experience has really helped me to get more from my karate. As in everything else, smaller class sizes tend to be best. Jujutsu was the unarmed defense of the Samurai and there are many movements in Jujutsu that come from sword movements. self-confidence when taught correctly. 2.Why over How. A common Okinawan exercisefor practicingtuidiis called kakiea sensoryflow drill, oftencalledpushing hands in the West. What did he mean? The elbow is hyperextended and a chest bump will drop the opponent. // this script is free to use and distribute Put your feet together at the heels and toes. It's not hard to describe nature, but try TO DEFINE it. In this photo,* You may want to use weapons. However, for example in the case of Lyoto Machida, if he uses a Shotokan technique as he often does in MMA, and it is effective, does that mean MMA is effective or the technique is? It was just a matter of adjusting and incorporating a couple of principles. the strike was always there as one simple bunkai.. Should we choose to change style, we still should proceed the same way. fighting? Shiomitsu Sensei let them know very quickly that it was not a term that was used in a Wado Ryu Dojo. Please read my bio, and follow me on Facebook and Instagram. If we talk bunkai (the why), there is not much difference at all. We do not believe anyone in Arizona teaches such a wide variety of martial And then there's the weapons. But theres a big difference in their approach. The comparisons articles of this kind, degrading one style or another are not to be expected of true Budoka at least out of respect. My post was to explain the facts as they apply to my style of Japanese Karate and correct the errors stated in the article. While it taught me many great things, it was focused on tournament and exhibition. The whole answer is I respect it & appreciated it's teachings, and try to benefit from study of it, it's values such as laid out in this article. Shotokan karate != all Japanese Karate. After completing the move put your fists back at your waist. Keep a distance of maximum one shoulder width between the front and rear legs. They need to be easily seen byhuge massesof people! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Vive la diffrence! Okinawans definitely know about their rich Chinese influenced heritage. In one particular technique, my sensei toldme to have a spring-like upward movement, calledhanchaatii. Oh wait, that's right, society has moved in the direction that everyone gets a ribbon just for entering an event. Uechi Ryu is a traditional Okinawan Karate style. Was a third degree green belt when my sensei went psycho and my mom pulled me out. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. The point of the stance is to reach forward and stab the opponent. The original, short, fighting range was changedto a longer one and concepts like maai (engagement distancing) were borrowed straight from Japanese samurai sword fencing (Kendo). Not only that, Chinese fighters used those same training tools to condition themselves. It originated from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts, also known as "hand" or "te" tii in Okinawan) developed under the influence of Chinese martial arts, particularly Fujian White Crane. The Okinawa Shotokan Karate Academy in Kent. Bring your front foot is forward, aligned with back foot toes. Like you, I can point out differences or alternate views. When we understand our style, we can train it better & use it best. No. Got questions? Secondly, it can imply the restriction and specific direction of energies within the energy pathways of the body, both superficial and deep. Keep a distance of approximately one and a half shoulder width between your feet. My name is Paul Landmesser Karate Stances - Japanese Terms "Dachi" or "Tachi" means stance in Japanese, and describes primarily the position of the feet in various Karate stances. 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okinawan karate stances