I noticed tonight in the 3 on 3 at the end that quite a few potential overlap opportunities were missed from not getting into the right mind set just yet, so here is some food for thought

If you are in the middle and have 2 defenders in front of you then think smart – don’t run at the person in front of you and hope that something will just happen. Rather angle your run a little (don’t go too far and lose the space on the outside) so you are either between 2 defenders, forcing them both to commit, or go towards the winger and try to draw them into the touch. If you then do a quick dump split to the outside then you will have your free space to either score, or at least get the opposition scrambling and out of shape

So in the diagram below B has the ball, aims to dump on the oppo outside body and does a quick split to the left. Provided A is on their game then they want to rush in, do a quick scoop and pop back out to B who is narrow and runs / dives over the line
