Jamaica (in Yellow) v Tumeke Men's 35s


In 2015 Jamaica made its debut on the international Touch Rugby scene at the USA Nationals in Orlando, Florida – the largest competition of its type in the Americas.

Without any corporate backing the team was entirely self-funded and self-sufficient. This, along with a lack of understanding of the sport, meant over half the squad were unable to obtain Visas to travel to the US – we are dealing with this.

We were let down at the last minute by kit suppliers so had to play in t-shirts with iron on transfers that were made the night before we flew, and bought socks at the airport – not the first impression we wanted to make!

Only one of our players had ever played on a full sized pitch, or a full length match before, let alone experienced a high level tournament. A squad is usually 14 players to allow for frequent exchanges due to the high intensity of the game, we had the bare minimum of 6! No substitutes for 7 matches over 2 days of intense competition meant we had to give our all – we did!

No other player at the tournament had ever played a competition without subs before, very few would even consider it.

In spite of this we dug deep and won the hearts and respect of everyone we met. The results may not have gone our way, but we showed we could play, we showed we could compete and we showed we would never give up. All of this was done with a smile, respect and a good attitude that means there has not been a tournament since that we haven’t been invited to – and everyone wants to come and play one in Jamaica!


But we are not ex-pats looking for memories to reflect on one day about our times in the islands. We are real people, real Jamaicans with real responsibilities and problems. We have a passion for what we do and believe in the power of sport. We expend our energies, time and effort in a healthy, fulfilling and social sport, knowing that it will not make us rich or famous, but it will make us stronger – and we share this with others. We are bringing the game to schools and communities to give this opportunity to all, you don’t need expensive equipment or apparatus to play – just a ball, sportsmanship and respect.

Rugby in Jamaica has a bad reputation and considered dangerous, especially for kids. They don’t know about Touch, the minimal contact, safer version of the game – we are dealing with this.

Jamaican Rugby has a history of mismanagement, corruption, in-fighting, internal politics … and hence, understandably suffers from a lack of credibility, support and backing. We, along with others in both the JRU and JRL, are helping with this – it’s time for change in this country, to reward the players, coaches and individuals that dedicate their time, energy and resources into the right things, rather than the administrators that see a free meal ticket, or a chance to exploit the Visa processes.

We have plans, big plans, for Touch – its speed, agility, skill and energy makes it a perfect sport for Jamaican Men, Women, Boys and Girls of all shapes, sizes, ages, experience and ability. We have plans to create an infrastructure that is above the politics and corruption of the past, to make the game available and enjoyable to everyone. We have plans to develop Coaches, Referees, Selectors and Support staff to ensure the longevity of our foundations. We have hopes of gaining global accreditation, playing in tournaments in the Americas and even the World Cup – if Jamaica can have an accredited Ice Hockey team and a world famous Bobsleigh team then why not?


In October 2016 we are returning to Orlando. Since last year we have sent players to Fort Lauderdale, Grand Cayman and New York to gain invaluable experience. This time they know we’re coming. This time they expect more. If we turn up with a depleted squad and rag tag gear again then they will think we are just a joke, players looking for a weekend away from the rock. They won’t see the effort we have put into setting up the Association, put into training wherever we can, whenever we get the chance to use a field for free. They won’t see the community visits, the exhibition games, the hours sat on busses, the expenses, the meetings, the dedication, the obstacles we face and the drive we have to clear them. They will see a joke. They will see people to feel sorry for, to try and empathise, to humour, but never fully accept, include or take seriously.

Touch is far more about how you play the game rather than how well you do, but no-one really wants to be a loser. No-one wants to be pitied. We go to learn, to compete and to win, but do it with sportsmanship and respect. We go to be taken seriously and to be admired, to represent our country. To show there is more to Jamaica than Reggae, Herbs and One Love – there is passion, there is dedication, there is commitment, there is power!

But we need help. With a sponsor we could afford playing kit that reflects professionalism. With a backer we can gain credibility at the Embassy so they will take us seriously. With funding we can allow opportunities for more people to travel, to learn, to grow as people. With more players we can establish leagues, improve standards and then host international tournaments to bring revenue into the island and show off our beautiful country. With understanding we can grow as a sport and as an organisation, we can help more people and give them an alternative to boredom, crime or hopelessness. With strength comes power, so let’s flex our muscles. With education comes understanding, so let us teach. With help comes hope. We hope you can help us to become better, so please visit our web site to learn more about the sport and our organisation and use the contact details below get in touch and find out more about how you can support our endeavours.

Thank You

Tonka Selby

President, Jamaican Touch Association Limited




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